
Don't Hold Your Breath!

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Jun 30, 2021 JJCA Office News

Breathe in: 1-2-3-4....

Ironically, given our 2021 theme of "breathe", we haven't taken a breath since January to post about how we've been living AND breathing so far at JJCA this year. We've been sharing with each other periodically in our weekly staff meetings just how each of us is mindfully incorporating time to breathe into our schedules, but we just haven't been posting about it. So we're going to change that now, with a first post from this week's "share" from David Brown. 

When it comes to finding a little breathing room during the week, David says that reading the book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer has helped him to release control a bit, at least occasionally.  After all, at the end of the day (or beginning or middle) just how much control do we really have anyway?

Then how about taking a breath when we are "in the moment"? That can be particularly difficult in this day and age of constant electronic communication that practically demands immediate attention through the literal bells and whistles of technology! Our impulse to respond in kind, for example, to a fiery message, can lead to less-than-ideal results. David has two tips:

1. Save to draft: a wise recommendation that came from David Johnson! Take the time to write your response just to get it off your chest, but simply save it to a draft. Breathe, review later, and in many cases you'll realize it's best not to send it at all but certainly not without a major edit that comes after you've had some breathing room to reflect on a better course.
2. Turn off pop-ups. Get rid of the constant barrage of interruptions and schedule specific times to check emails, texts, social media, etc.

Breathe out: 1-2-3-4.



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