Special SolutionsThe Chartwell at Marathon Village

Nashville, Tennessee
Construction Cost: $85M

Union Brick
Union Brick
Union Brick
Union Brick

We're excited to announce our first multifamily project with David Baker Architects - and one that hits really close to home: a new mixed-use development in Nashville's Marathon Village area. The Chartwell at Marathon Village will offer 379 apartment units (of which 24 will be live-work residences), 4,000 square feet of retail space and 10 townhomes. Award-winning David Baker Architects is partnering with us to add their significant expertise. DBA is known for exceptional housing, creative site strategies, designing for density, and integrating new construction into the public realm. Marrying DBA's award-winning concepts with JJCA's highly-refined processes and project leadership is providing us an opportunity to add this new sector to our portfolio.

Improving the Human Experience

Celebrating Transformation at Cumberland . . .

Cumberland Heights has stood as a beacon of hope and transformation for over half a century at the heart of a serene farm outside Nashville, and we’re happy to be part of their journey,

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  • project quotes and notes
  • We've been hanging out with David Baker Architects quite a bit, as we've been partnering with this award-winning firm on our first major multifamily project.