people sucess

Meet Our Professional, Community-Minded, Fun-Loving Team.

Our close-knit team combines long-term architects with young talent. Find the results of each team member's StrengthFinder assessment, along with a glimpse of our fun-side, below. 

  • Caroline Abel
    Caroline AbelCaroline AbelLearner, Achiever, Connectedness, Strategic, Responsibility
  • Team 10
    Team 10Michael Speck, AIALearner, Context, Intellection, Input, Connectedness
  • Sarah Stevens
    Sarah StevensSarah StevensIdeation, Connectedness, Achiever, Input, Responsibility
  • Jenny Wygant
    Jenny WygantJenny WygantFuturistic, Discipline, Individualization, Empathy, Achiever
  • Tim Morgan
    Tim MorganTim Morgan, RAContext, Adaptability, Restorative, Individualization, Empathy
  • UHS Madera Behavioral Health Hospital

    Improving the Human Experience

    From Nuts and Bolts to Topping Out

    As architects who design projects in nearly every state in the country (47 to be exact) we understand the importance of designing for the unique characteristics of a region, like earthquakes in CA!

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  • 80%+ of our business comes from repeat clients.
  • JJCA Komal Patel
    JJCA Komal PatelKomal PatelRelator, Discipline, Empathy, Developer, Responsibility
  • Bishoy Kamel
    Bishoy KamelBishoy KamelAchiever, Responsibility, Relator, Learner, Positivity
  • Team2
    Team2Stephanie Pielich, AIA, NCARB, CDT, CCSAchiever, Connectedness, Responsibility, Discipline, Analytical
  • Team 11
    Team 11 Julie CarpenterHarmony, Responsibility, Consistency, Relator, Achiever
  • Nathan Johnson, JJCA
    Nathan Johnson, JJCANathan JohnsonContext, Learner, Deliberative, Intellection, Restorative
  • Harry Hadlock
    Harry HadlockHarry HadlockConsistency, Harmony, Arranger, Discipline, Empathy
  • A principal is involved in every project.
  • Kris Teubel
    Kris TeubelKris TeubelLearner, Individualization, Achiever, Input, Ideation
  • Team 8
    Team 8Susan Sanders, CDTResponsibility, Positivity, Achiever, Connectedness, Communication
  • Kaela Boone
    Kaela BooneKaela BooneDiscipline, Empathy, Harmony, Relator, Developer
  • Fostering Creative Minds

    A different take on work attire

    We love healthcare design. From patient spaces to surgical rooms, we’re always attuned to how people work and recover in a healing environment.

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  • Team 5
    Team 5Linda Mark, RA, CDT, CCCAHarmony, Individualization, Achiever, Consistency, Relator
  • Eric Francis
    Eric FrancisEric FrancisSpec Writer
  • Team 9
    Team 9David Johnson, AIA, NCARB, EDACResponsibility, Strategic, Achiever, Arranger, Deliberate
  • Our team hails from 11 states and Egypt.
  • Ed George, AIA
    Ed George, AIAEd George, AIAEmpathy, Developer, Connectedness, Positivity, Includer
  • Samantha "Sam" PhillipsEmpathy, Developer, Responsibility, Futuristic, Includer
  • Jason Putnal, RA
    Jason Putnal, RAJason Putnal, RA, CDTHarmony, Consistency, Achiever, Discipline, Developer
  • Alyssa HatcherRelator, Intellection, Adaptability, Restorative, Empathy
Join Us
We're looking for a few good people. Join a group of folks who know how to work hard but also play hard! contact us
We've done over 200 projects in Tennessee.