people sucess

Meet Our Professional, Community-Minded, Fun-Loving Team.

Our close-knit team combines long-term architects with young talent. Find the results of each team member's StrengthFinder assessment, along with a glimpse of our fun-side, below. 

  • Team 11
    Team 11 Julie CarpenterHarmony, Responsibility, Consistency, Relator, Achiever
  • Nathan Johnson, JJCA
    Nathan Johnson, JJCANathan JohnsonContext, Learner, Deliberative, Intellection, Restorative
  • Eric Francis
    Eric FrancisEric FrancisSpec Writer
  • Kris Teubel
    Kris TeubelKris TeubelLearner, Individualization, Achiever, Input, Ideation
  • Ed George, AIA
    Ed George, AIAEd George, AIAEmpathy, Developer, Connectedness, Positivity, Includer
  • Improving the Human Experience

    Fine Dining

    Preparing and delivering fresh, delicious meals in an appealing way was the focus for the project to renovate and expand the Ensworth dining hall.

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  • We volunteer as ACE Mentors at local high schools.
  • Sarah Stevens
    Sarah StevensSarah StevensIdeation, Connectedness, Achiever, Input, Responsibility
  • David Proffitt, AIAWoo, Learner, Arranger, Context, Belief
  • Kaela Boone
    Kaela BooneKaela BooneDiscipline, Empathy, Harmony, Relator, Developer
  • Team 9
    Team 9David Johnson, AIA, NCARB, EDACResponsibility, Strategic, Achiever, Arranger, Deliberate
  • Team 10
    Team 10Michael Speck, AIALearner, Context, Intellection, Input, Connectedness
  • Jenny Wygant
    Jenny WygantJenny WygantFuturistic, Discipline, Individualization, Empathy, Achiever
  • We celebrate every JJCA birthday with a huge BBQ.
  • Tim Morgan
    Tim MorganTim Morgan, RAContext, Adaptability, Restorative, Individualization, Empathy
  • Team 5
    Team 5Linda Mark, RA, CDT, CCCAHarmony, Individualization, Achiever, Consistency, Relator
  • Team 8
    Team 8Susan Sanders, CDTResponsibility, Positivity, Achiever, Connectedness, Communication
  • Fostering Creative Minds

    Healthcare and Economy: David Shares Insights

    The ICAHN Economic Summit in May brought together healthcare leaders, board members, community economic leaders, health professionals, and rural advocates to discuss future healthcare issues.

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  • Harry Hadlock
    Harry HadlockHarry HadlockConsistency, Harmony, Arranger, Discipline, Empathy
  • JJCA Komal Patel
    JJCA Komal PatelKomal PatelRelator, Discipline, Empathy, Developer, Responsibility
  • Team2
    Team2Stephanie Pielich, AIA, NCARB, CDT, CCSAchiever, Connectedness, Responsibility, Discipline, Analytical
  • We're licensed in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
  • Caroline Abel
    Caroline AbelCaroline AbelLearner, Achiever, Connectedness, Strategic, Responsibility
  • Samantha "Sam" SmithEmpathy, Developer, Responsibility, Futuristic, Includer
  • Jason Putnal, RA
    Jason Putnal, RAJason Putnal, RA, CDTHarmony, Consistency, Achiever, Discipline, Developer
  • Alyssa HatcherRelator, Intellection, Adaptability, Restorative, Empathy
Join Us
We're looking for a few good people. Join a group of folks who know how to work hard but also play hard! contact us
12 people have worked at JJCA since graduation.