
ENJOY Success

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JJCA team
Jan 27, 2017 JJCA Office News

Every year we have a theme at JJCA, each contributing to our overarching goal of creating a special place for our employees. From stretch, to push, to trust, our themes seek to enhance our culture by stretching our creativity, improving our teamwork, and finding the right work/life balance. This year's theme of ENJOY seeks to make us our happiest selves. Based on Shawn Anchor's book The Happiness Advantage, our goal in 2017 is to walk the walk that success doesn't make us happy, happiness makes us successful. Without defining it specifically that way, we've always understood the need to insert a little fun into our hectic and challenging work days. We have known intuitively that positivity fuels creativity. But we're on a particularly focused mission this year to ENJOY our way into greater opportunities and successes for our clients and ourselves. Watch for regular posts on this year's theme and ENJOY!

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